S - Social
M - Mobile
A - Active
R - Responsive
T - Technology
SMART Classrooms are made possible by technology. But many teachers are yet to use them to their full power. I my self still do not know how to use mobiles and tablets fully. I am a very active blogger for ten years. But till recently, I did not use laptop much. So in this SMART every socieity teacher has to learn first how to use mobiles and tablets and then how to use them for improving learning.
Excerpts from a paper
Today the concept of “bring your own device (BYOD)” makes any classroom a “smart classroom.”
As of 2014, 86% of undergraduate students own a smart device, and 47% own a tablet.
Make yourself available on social channels.
M - Mobile
A - Active
R - Responsive
T - Technology
SMART Classrooms are made possible by technology. But many teachers are yet to use them to their full power. I my self still do not know how to use mobiles and tablets fully. I am a very active blogger for ten years. But till recently, I did not use laptop much. So in this SMART every socieity teacher has to learn first how to use mobiles and tablets and then how to use them for improving learning.
Excerpts from a paper
Today the concept of “bring your own device (BYOD)” makes any classroom a “smart classroom.”
As of 2014, 86% of undergraduate students own a smart device, and 47% own a tablet.
Make yourself available on social channels.